Directions by public transport

On the map below is shown the ULB/VUB campus, where the red line separates the VUB from the ULB campus.

We are located in the N.O building (black arrow on the map), on the 7th floor of the N-wing, in the Physique théorique, physique atomique théorique, physique mathématique department. (Coordinates: 50.81992° latitude, 4.39766° longitude)

Here are a few ways you can find us:

From the city centre (e.g. Central Station), take the metro 5 (in the direction Herrmann-Debroux) and exit at Delta, the closest metro station (~5 min walk) (blue circle on the map).

From the city centre (e.g. De Brouckère), take the bus 71 (in the direction Delta) and exit at the bus stop Fraiteur (pink circle on the map).

If you come by train (e.g. from Brussels Airport-Zaventem), you can exit at the closest train station Etterbeek Gare (red circle). There is also the tramway 7 (linking Vanderkindere and Heysel) or 25 (linking Boondael Gare and Rogier) that stops at Etterbeek tram stop, which is located in front of the train station.

Directions by car

With the form below, you can plan your route to the ULB campus by car using Google maps. This route brings you to the red dot on the satellite map below (also marked on the schematic view above). Coming from the Boulevard de la Plaine (i.e. from the northwest), you turn left to enter the ULB campus. Follow the signs to the car parking and the N.O. building.


Service de Physique Théorique, CP225
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Boulevard du Triomphe (Campus de la Plaine)
1050 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 650 55 81
Fax: + 32 2 650 59 51

We are located in building N.O. (Campus de la Plaine), 7th floor.
Please deliver any goods to room 2N7-116A.