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Office: 2.N.7.105 (Campus Plaine, building N, level 7, office 105)
Email: fabien.lacasa AT ulb.be
Postdoctoral researcher funded by BELSPO (ESA, Euclid)
Chargé de recherches sur fond BELSPO (ESA, Euclid)
Quick bio
Graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris), PhD in cosmology at Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS, Orsay), postdoc at ICTP-SAIFR (Sao Paulo), then at the University of Geneva (Unige), then at IAS again, then professor of Mathematics, then postdoc at Unige again, then at the University of Padova (Unipd), and now at ULB.
Worked in Planck, Dark Energy Survey and now Euclid.
Large scale structure, Cosmic Microwave Background, halo model, making my linux unbootable, combining probes, non-Gaussianity.
I work with observers, astrostatisticians and theorists (gravity, high energy).
- 2020-2021: Mathematics in junior highschool, France, 15h/week full year
- 2017-2022: Combining cosmological probes, Euclid France summer school, 4.5h/year
- 2016-2019: Labo IV théorique, 2nd year of Master, University of Geneva, 30h/year
- 2011-2013: Mathematics, 3rd year of bachelor in Physics, Université Paris-Sud (now Université Paris Saclay), 64h/year
- 2010-2012: Optics, 1st year of bachelor in Physics, Université Paris-Sud, 64h/year
- 2010-2011: Physics, 1st year of medical school, Université Paris-Sud, 64h/year
- Personal website
- Github repository
- Publications on arXiv, ADS and iNSPIRE-HEP