Gaétan Facchinetti

Office: 2.N.7.217
Email: gaetan.facchinetti AT

FNRS postdoctoral researcher
Chargé de recherches FNRS

Research interests:
My work addresses the phenomenology of some promising particle dark matter scenarios, from production in the early universe to potential detections through specific and complementary cosmological and astrophysical signals. I am particularly interested in the 21cm line and cosmic microwave background as probes of exotic physics and dark matter models (particles or primordial black holes). In addition, I have developped an expertise in the dark matter structuring properties and their consequences for observations.
Most of my projects involve developing or improving existing codes written in C/C++, python, and Julia.
Keywords: Dark matter, cosmology, particle physics, astrophysics, galactic dynamics, phenomenology, high energy physics, 21cm, cosmic microwave background

Related links:
- Personal website
- Github projects
- Publications on arXiv
- Publications on iNSPIRE-HEP
- Publications on Google scholar

- Tutorials of general physics, 1st year bachelor, 2018, Université de Montpellier
- Lectures of optics, 2nd year bachelor, 2019, Université de Montpellier
- Tutorials of electromagnetism, 2nd year bachelor, 2021, Université libre de Bruxelles
- Tutorials of quantum field theory, 1st year master, 2022-2024, Université libre de Bruxelles
- Lecture on dark matter theory, BND graduate school, 2024: lecture notes